Sunday, March 9, 2008

my phone

So, my phone disappeared almost right after I called you, and I am so tired from my fun weekend that it seriously makes me want to cry. We have torn our apartment apart three times since then, and I can't find it. So, I guess we can't replace it until I find it. Lame. And the stupid thing went into analog right after I talked to you and I'm positive the battery will be dead before I look for it again tomorrow. It sucks.

Monday, March 3, 2008

My Endorsement Classes this Summer

Here are the weeks of my endorsement classes and seminars:
June 16 - 20, 23-25
July 14 - 18
August 4 - 7
I also have a wedding August 2. Not my own, but a friends! ;-)
So, I'll have to work my vacations around that. :)

March Madness: Week One

So, my friends and I decided that in addition to the typical March Madness, we would have our own March Madness full of fun activities.

We kicked off with a Leap Year Eve Party, during which we ate Pirate food, and watched Pirates of Penzance. Since I am lame, I forgot to take pictures during the actual party... But I have a picture of the food... Yep, I'm a little bit of an obsessive party planner... :) Yep, we had "rum", and "pirate sherry", swedish fish, goldfish, and some chocolate "treasure". YUM!
Then, we went to a BYU hockey game. We got stomped by UVSC, but, it was fun! Especially when my friend accidentally threw the cowbell he was so excited. :)

Saturday night we went to PBR Bullnanza at the E Center. We got decked out in cowboy/cowgirl gear, and it was delightful! :) It was SO cool to see bull riding up so close! I hope you can see the pictures OK!

The bull in the middle seriously almost gored this cowboy photographer guy because he wasn't paying attention when the bull came back out of the shoot. But, for some reason, the bull turned at the last second. I screamed so loud!

Now, there's about 84 hours until we head out to Moab!!!! YAY!!!! A whole weekend far away from Provo, and responsibility, with nothing but beautiful Arches and the outdoors, and stars, and fun friends. HUZZAH!

Let's get going!

Ok, so, I took off the last post because I didn't want Dad's e-mail address posted on the website. Let's be safe and keep those types of things off. We can do that through e-mail. Also, Chels, I linked your page, but no one can read it unless you invite them. If you're careful, it's fine to let anyone read it, just don't post personal information like e-mail addresses, address, phone number, name of your high school, etc. So, if you want everyone to read it, go to settings and permissions and switch it to letting everyone read it. If not, you have to at least invite me so I can see it! ;-)
Everyone else, keep me posted about cool stuff. I'll try to get some Rodeo pictures up, but my camera didn't have the memory card in it.... Oops! :) Anyway, it was fun. Sorry I didn't call, I was in bed with a pukey-feeling-inducing migraine. Lame, huh? How was the family fast?