Monday, October 13, 2008

A Sunday Drive

So, after church yesterday, I came home, changed my clothes, and took a little drive. Driving is seriously therapeutic for me. It just really clears my mind and somehow gets me into perspective.

Here are some sights and insights from my little jaunt.

But first, a disclaimer. These pictures are taken with my camera phone, which means they're pretty lame. Just know that everything I captured on film was completely spectacular and soothing.

So, I saw a moose! She was pretty close to the road, and, I know you can't tell, but she was looking at me when I took this - she was huge! Why are moosen so cool?!

Timp was phenomenal! It had just snowed, and was clearing, but my favorite mountain was still covered with clouds.
And this one is also tiny, but, the fall colors against the powdered evergreens was gorgeous! Oh, and I discovered a new canyon park right by here.
Another one of my canyon favorites. Always spectacular.

When I stopped my car on the way up, I read a few chapters in a new book that I got by Elder Holland, Broken Things to Mend. Here's one of my favorite quotes.

" Every time we reach out, however feebly, for [Christ], we discover He has been anxiously trying to reach us."

"[He is] a personal, living God, who knows our names, hears and answers prayers, and cherishes us eternally as children of His spirit... Amidst the wondrously complex tasks inherent in teh universe, He seeks our individual happiness and safety above all other godly concerns."

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